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cucumber melon

cucumber melon

Smells like:

juicy cantaloupe • crisp cucumber • refreshing

Why you'll love it

Our cold process soap is handmade in small batches, using local spring water from the WV mountains, and has no harsh chemicals, phthalates, GMOs or parabens.

Made with skin-loving vegetable oils and butters, our bars are huge, lather like crazy, and leave your skin soft and smooth with none of the tight and itchy feeling that commercial bar soaps give.

They are hand wrapped in recyclable, printed paper wrapping, with recyclable paper labels.


Mountain spring water, olive oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, shea butter, responsibly sourced palm oil, castor oil, essential oils and/or fragrance oils, silk fibers, sea salt, sugar, and cosmetic grade mica.

Regular price $10.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.50 USD
Sale Sold out
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Care Instructions

Keep dry and on a slotted soap dish or hanging in one of our awesome bubble bags.

Fast Shipping

Most orders placed Tuesday-Friday ship within one day!

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